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have no bearing on中文是什么意思

用"have no bearing on"造句"have no bearing on"怎么读"have no bearing on" in a sentence


  • 与...无关, 对...没有影响
  • "have"中文翻译    vt. 1.有,持有,具有,含有。 How much m ...
  • "no"中文翻译    no. =number.
  • "bearing"中文翻译    n. 1.忍耐,忍受。 2.态度,举止,风采,姿态。 3 ...
  • "have a bearing on" 中文翻译 :    关系到..., 影响到..; 与…有关系; 与……有关系
  • "have bearing on" 中文翻译 :    和…有联系
  • "have a bearing upon" 中文翻译 :    关系到..., 影响到..
  • "have a dignified bearing" 中文翻译 :    态度雍容
  • "have an elegant bearing" 中文翻译 :    神采飘逸; 仙风逸骨
  • "have an important bearing on" 中文翻译 :    关系不轻
  • "have no bearing upon" 中文翻译 :    与...无关, 对...没有影响
  • "bearing" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.忍耐,忍受。 2.态度,举止,风采,姿态。 3.关系,影响,方面,联系 (on; upon); 意义。 4.〔常 pl. 〕方位,方位角,向位,(矿脉)走向,航向。 5.【机械工程】轴承,支座。 6.〔常 pl. 〕【纹章】(盾上的)徽章,标记。 7.产子;结实;结实期。 I fail to see the bearing of that remark. 我不明白该批评真意何在。 the ability to find one's bearings independently 独立工作的能力。 a man of dignified bearing 举止庄重的人。 child bearing 生育。 consider the matter in all its bearings 从各个方面考虑问题。 a ball bearing 滚珠轴承。 a plain bearing 滑动轴承。 The pilot radioed his bearing. 驾驶员用无线电定位。 directional bearing 定向探位。 a tree past bearing 已不会结果实的树。 be out of one's bearings = lose one's bearings. bearing strength 抗压强。 beyond [past] all bearing 忍无可忍。 bring sb. to his bearings 使(人)不致忘本,使(人)反省,使人清醒一些。 have a bearing on 关系到。 have no bearing on the question [subject] 和那个问题毫无关系。 in all its bearings 从各方面。 lose one's bearings 迷失方向;不知所措,惶惑。 take one's [the] bearings 判明自己位置,观望形势。
  • "bearing in" 中文翻译 :    掏槽深度
  • "have" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.有,持有,具有,含有。 How much money do you have? 你有多少钱? How many days have May 五月有几天? I had no news of him. 我没有他的消息。 2.知道,了解,懂得。 She has your idea. 她了解你的意思。 He has only a little Latin. 他只懂一点点拉丁文。 You have me, have you not 晓得了吗,怎么样? 〔出自莎士比亚 Hamlet〕。 H- you got [Do you have] any idea where he lives 你知道他住在哪里吗? 3. 吃;喝;吸(烟);洗(澡)。 Will you have a cigarette 抽一支烟吧? Have some food 吃点东西。 Have some water 喝点水。 What will you have? 你要吃甚么? Have a bath 洗澡。 4.受,拿,取得。 May I have this one 我能拿这个吗? She's had three letters from her friend. 她已经收到朋友的三封来信。 Have a lesson 受教。 5.接受,忍受,容许〔多用于否定句〕。 I won't have it. 我受不了。 6.体验;享受;经受,遭受,碰到。 Have a bad headache 头痛得厉害。 We had a pleasant holiday. 我们假日玩得很痛快。 7.使[让、叫]某人做某事〔做某事用不带 to 的不定式来表示〕。 H- him come early. 让他早点来。 8.使[在]某方面出现某状态〔某状态多用过去分词等结构来表示〕。 Have one's hair cut (请人)理发。 I had my purse stolen. 我的钱包被人偷掉了。 9.从事,进行;作(某事)。 Shall we have a swim 我们游泳吗? 10. 表明,说,主张。 As Mr. Jones has it 据琼斯先生所说。 11.〔和带 to 的不定式连用〕必须,不得不。 Man has to eat. 人要吃饭。 12.显示,表现。 Have no fear 不怕。 Have the courage to do sth. 显示出敢做某事的勇气。 13.〔英俚〕欺骗;〔口语〕打败,胜过, I have been had. 我受骗了。 You've no reply to that he has you here. 你对此一言不答,你在这里是认输了。 14.生育。Have a baby 生孩子。 ★ (a) 1. 和 2. 义在否定句与疑问句中,在英国通常不用助动词 do, 用 3. - 8. 义造句时通常用 do 但有时也可用两种构造而意义不变: Had you any rain during your journey 你路上遇到雨吗? 有时意义稍有不同: H- you time to do it 你(现在)有时间做它吗? Do you have much time for your work 你工作的时间(经常)很多吗? (b) 11. 义在否定句与疑问句中,有时可用 do, 有时可不用 do: H- you to do this (= Must you do this) Do you have to do this 〔美国〕你非做这事不可吗? 〔英国〕你经常都得做这事吗? ? Have + noun 通常等于同一义的动词: have a dance = dance (跳舞); have a dream = dream (做梦); have a drink = drink (喝)。 Have a smoke = smoke (抽烟)。 (d) 3. 5. 9. 义在翻译时,须变通运用: have a talk 谈一谈。 Have a try 试一试。 Have a class 上课。 Have a meeting 开会。 Have a game 玩一盘。 Have hospitable entertainment 受到厚待。 I won't have it. 我(忍)受不了。 Have a cold 感冒。 Have a fever 发烧。 1.〔现在完成式〕 I have [I've] written it. 我把它写完了。 He has [He's] gone. 他去了。 I have [I've] been there. 我去过那里。 H- you done it 你做完那件事了吗? Yes, I have. 是,做完了。 No, I haven't. 不,还没有完。 He has not [hasn't] gone there. 他还没有到那里去。 Hasn't he gone yet 他还没去吗? No, he hasn't. 是,还没去。 2.〔过去完成式〕 I had [I'd] finished my breakfast when he came. 他来的时候我已经吃过早饭了。 Had he done it 他(那时)已经把那事做好了吗? Yes, he had. 是的,已经做好了。 No, he hadn't. 不,还没有。 3.〔未来完成式〕 I shall have read it by the time you turn up tomorrow morning. 你明早来时我就念完了。 4.〔表示假设语气〕 If it had not been (= Had it not been) for …要不是因为[幸而有]…。 或 Had I (= If I had) only known it, … 只要我晓得的话…。 5.〔与 got 连用,成 have got, 主英口,意为“有”= have〕 I've [haven't] got it. 我[没]有。H- you got any 你有吗? ★(1)与过去分词结合构成完成式;这时 have,has, had 等通常发弱音。 (2)英国用完成式的地方,美国则常单用过去式: I just got here (= I have just got here). 我刚到。 Have a bad time 很倒霉。 Have a bun on 〔美国〕喝醉。 Have a good time 过得快乐。 Have and hold 【法律】保有,永远领有。 Have at 袭击;谴责。 H- done! 停止! Have everything one's own way 样样照自己的意思做;为所欲为。 Have had it 〔俚语〕 1. 吃够了苦,受到致命打击。 2. (人)已过时。 3. 无希望,命已注定。 Have it 1. 胜利。 2. 〔口语〕被打,挨骂。 3. 说,主张。 (The ayes [noes] have it. 赞成[反对]的占多数。 Let him have it. 让他倒霉去。 Rumour has it that … 有谣言说…;传闻…。 He will have it that … 他坚持说,他硬说…)。 Have it (all) over sb. 胜过某人。 Have it coming 〔美口〕活该倒霉。 Have it in for sb. 〔口语〕对某人怀有仇恨,想对某人报仇。 Have it on sb. 〔美国〕比(某人)强,胜过(某人)。 Have it out 达成谅解;解决掉;得出结果。 Have it out of sb. 对某人报仇;使某人受罚。 Have it out with sb. 与某人较量以解决争端;与某人决一雌雄;同某人讲明白。 Have much to do with 与…很有关系,与…有许多共同之处。 Have nothing for it but 只得,只好;唯有。 Have nothing to do with 与…毫无关系,与…并无共同之处。 Have on 1. 穿着;戴着。 2. 有事,有约会;计划做。 3. 〔口语〕欺瞒,骗,使人上钩。 Have one's eye on … 注意,注视。 Have one's sleep out 睡够。 Have only to … to … 只要…就能… (You have only to go on and then turn right to find the store. 你只要往前走,再向右拐,就能找到那店)。 Have (got) sb. (stone) cold 〔俚语〕击败某人,控制某人。 Have sb. Down 请某人到乡下作客。 Have sb. In 1. 请某人来家。 2. 叫某人来家干活。 Have sb. On toast 〔英俚〕骗。 Have sb. Up 1. 请某人到城市作客。 2. 对某人起诉,控告某人。 Have sth. Back 收回某物,把某物要回去。 Have sth. In 屋里备有某物。 Have sth. Out 把某物弄出来 (have a tooth out 拔掉一颗牙)。 Have to do with 同…有关系。 Let sb. Have it. 〔俚语〕 1. 惩罚某人。 2. 和某人讲明自己对他的看法。 n. 1.〔常 pl.〕〔口语〕有产者,有钱人;(天然资源多的)富国。 2.〔英俚〕欺骗,诈骗。 the haves and the have-nots 有钱人和穷人;富国和穷国。
  • "have at" 中文翻译 :    打击, 攻击
  • "have it" 中文翻译 :    (某项)成功的要素; 挨一拳; 优越, 有利
  • "have it in for" 中文翻译 :    对…镶恨; 对人不满,怀恨在心,伺机报复; 厌恶
  • "have not" 中文翻译 :    穷国
  • "have on" 中文翻译 :    穿上; 穿着 武汉列车时刻表戴着; 穿着, 戴着, 在手头, 使上钩; 穿着,戴着; 穿着打扮; 穿着,戴着;有事,有约会;欺骗; 穿着,有事,约会; 穿着;有事;进行; 进行
  • "have to" 中文翻译 :    必须,不得不; 不得不,必须; 不得不做
  • "have-not" 中文翻译 :    n. 〔常 pl.〕穷人;穷国。 “have-not” power 缺乏天然资源的强国。
  • "have…on" 中文翻译 :    穿着,戴着; 戴着穿着; 有……活动
  • "t have" 中文翻译 :    以而终
  • "to be and to have" 中文翻译 :    山村犹有读书声
  • "will have to" 中文翻译 :    必须做; 还得要
  • "to have and have not" 中文翻译 :    富有与贫穷; 江湖侠侣; 有和没有的


  • A suspect ' s criminal record should have no bearing on the trial
  • Arjen robben feels chelsea ' s community shield defeat to liverpool will have no bearing on the premiership season
  • Changes to the view adding xdime to an existing html portlet have no bearing on the portlet model or controller
    更改视图(将xdime添加到现有的html portlet )对portlet模型和控制器没有任何影响。
  • Benape said being less than beautiful had no bearing on the european beech tree ' s potential contribution to a greener gotham
  • These settings describe the direction that data is intended to flow between objects , however , they have no bearing on the level of indirection used by the parameters
  • This was the only reason for the four - week period between application and approval : the time taken for approval had no bearing on the fitness or properness of the individuals concerned
  • President bush says monday ' s debate over a vote of no confidence in attorney general alberto gonzales will have no bearing on whether the long - time legal adviser stays in office
  • President bush says monday ' s debate over a vote of no confidence in attorney general alberto gonzales will have no bearing on whether the long - time legal adviser stays in office
  • Have the strongest policy permitted under local standards and national laws prohibiting discrimination based on race , national origin , gender , religion , age , disability , or other factors that have no bearing on job performance
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"have no bearing on"造句  


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